Source code for elastipy.exporter

import time
import sys
from typing import Iterable, Any, Mapping, Union

from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError
from elasticsearch.helpers import streaming_bulk, bulk

from . import connections
from .search import Search

[docs]class Exporter: """ Base class helper to export stuff to elasticsearch. Derive from class and define class attributes: - ``INDEX_NAME``: ``str`` Name of index, might contain a wildcard `*` - ``MAPPINGS``: ``dict`` The `mapping <>`__ definition for the index. And optionally override methods: - :meth:`.transform_document` Convert a document to elasticsearch. - :meth:`.get_document_id` Return a unique id for the elasticsearch document. - :meth:`.get_document_index` Return an alternative index name for the document. """ # Name of the elasticsearch index where things are exported INDEX_NAME: str = None # dict with mapping parameters MAPPINGS: dict = None def __init__( self, client=None, index_prefix: str = None, index_postfix: str = None, update_index: bool = True, ): """ Create a new instance of the exporter. :param client: An optional instance of an elasticsearch.Elasticsearch compatible object If omitted elastipy.connections.get("default") will be used :param index_prefix: ``str`` Optional string that is put before the class-attribute ``INDEX_NAME`` :param index_postfix: ``str`` Optional string that is put after the class-attribute ``INDEX_NAME`` :param update_index: ``bool`` If ``True``, the elasticsearch index will be created or updated with the current ``MAPPINGS`` before the first export of a document. """ for required_attribute in ("INDEX_NAME", "MAPPINGS"): if not getattr(self, required_attribute, None): raise ValueError(f"Need to define class attribute {self.__class__.__name__}.{required_attribute}") self._client = client self.index_prefix = index_prefix self.index_postfix = index_postfix self._do_update_index = update_index self._index_updated = dict() @property def client(self): """ Access to the elasticsearch client. If none was defined in constructor then ``elastipy.connections.get("default")`` is returned. """ if self._client is None: self._client = connections.get() return self._client
[docs] def index_name(self) -> str: """ Returns the configured ``index_prefix - INDEX_NAME - index_suffix`` :return: str """ name = self.INDEX_NAME if self.index_prefix: name = f"{self.index_prefix}-{name}" if self.index_postfix: name = f"{name}-{self.index_postfix}" return name
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs) -> Search: """ Return a new ``Search`` object for this index and client. :return: Search instance """ from .search import Search return Search(index=self.index_name(), client=self._client, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_document_id(self, es_data: Mapping): """ Override this to return a single elasticsearch object's id. :param es_data: ``dict`` Single object as returned by transform_document() :return: str, int etc.. """ return None
[docs] def get_document_index(self, es_data: Mapping) -> str: """ Override to define an index per document. The default function returns the result from ``index_name()`` but it's possible to put objects into separate indices. For example you might define ``INDEX_NAME = "documents-*"`` and ``get_document_index`` might return .. CODE:: self.index_name().replace("*", es_data["type"] :param es_data: ``dict`` Single document as returned by transform_document() :return: str """ return self.index_name()
[docs] def transform_document(self, data: Mapping) -> Union[Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]: """ Override this to transform each documents's data into an elasticsearch document. It's possible to return a **list** or **yield** multiple elasticsearch documents. :param data: dict :return: dict or iterable of dict """ return data
[docs] def update_index(self) -> None: """ Create the index or update changes to the mapping. Can only be called if ``INDEX_NAME`` does not contain a ``'*'`` :return: None """ if "*" in self.index_name(): raise ValueError(f"update_index() can not be called for wildcard indices like '{self.index_name()}'") self._update_index(self.index_name())
[docs] def delete_index(self) -> bool: """ Try to delete the index. Ignore if not found. :return: ``bool`` True if deleted, False otherwise. If the index name contains a wildcard ``*``, True is always returned. """ from .aggregation.helper import wildcard_match name = self.index_name() try: self.client.indices.delete(index=name) self._index_updated.pop(self.index_name(), None) if "*" in name: for key in list(self._index_updated): if wildcard_match(key, name): self._index_updated.pop(key) return True except NotFoundError: return False
[docs] def export_list( self, object_list: Iterable[Any], chunk_size: int = 500, refresh: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, verbose_total: int = None, file=None, **kwargs ): """ Export a list of objects. :param object_list: ``sequence of dict`` This can be a list or generator of dictionaries, containing the objects that should be exported. :param chunk_size: ``int`` Number of objects per bulk request. :param refresh: ``bool`` if ``True`` require the immediate refresh of the index when finished exporting. :param verbose: ``bool`` If True print some progress to stderr (using `tqdm <>`__ if present) :param verbose_total: ``int`` Provide the number of objects for the **verbosity** if ``object_list`` is a generator. :param file: Optional string stream to output verbose info, default is ``stderr``. All other parameters are passed to `elasticsearch.helpers.bulk <>`__ :return: ``dict`` Response of elasticsearch bulk call. """ def bulk_actions(): for object_data in self._verbose_iter(object_list, verbose, verbose_total, file): es_data_iter = self.transform_document(object_data) if isinstance(es_data_iter, Mapping): es_data_iter = [es_data_iter] for es_data in es_data_iter: object_id = self.get_document_id(es_data) index_name = self.get_document_index(es_data) if index_name not in self._index_updated: self._update_index(index_name) action = { "_index": self.get_document_index(es_data), "_source": es_data, } if object_id is not None: action["_id"] = object_id yield action response = bulk( client=self.client, actions=bulk_actions(), chunk_size=chunk_size, refresh=refresh, **kwargs, ) if verbose: # TODO: print error status print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: exported {response[0]} objects", file=file) return response
[docs] def get_index_params(self) -> dict: """ Returns the complete index parameters. Override if you need to specialize things. :return: dict """ return { "mappings": self.MAPPINGS }
def _update_index(self, name): try: self.client.indices.get_mapping(index=name) self.client.indices.put_mapping(index=name, body=self.MAPPINGS) self._index_updated[name] = True return except NotFoundError: pass self.client.indices.create(index=name, body=self.get_index_params()) @classmethod def _verbose_iter(cls, iter, verbose: bool, count=None, file=None): if not verbose: yield from iter return if file is None: file = sys.stderr # this is just a unittest switch if verbose != "simple": try: import tqdm yield from tqdm.tqdm(iter, total=count, file=file) return except ImportError: pass if count is None: try: count = len(iter) except (TypeError, ): pass last_time = None for i, item in enumerate(iter): ti = time.time() if last_time is None or ti - last_time >= 1.: last_time = ti if count: print(f"{cls.__name__} {i}/{count}", file=file) else: print(f"{cls.__name__} {i}", file=file) yield item