import numpy as np
from elastipy import Search, query

They always say: put the imports at the top!

git commit analytics

Below we use a lot of pandas and plotting to get insight into the community of an open source project.

To explore a repository of your choice move to elastipy/examples/ and call:

python <project-name> path/to/git-repo

If you are cloning a repository and are just interested in commits you can somewhat limit the size on disk with:

git clone <repo-url> --no-checkout

Replace the <project-name> with the name of the project and change the value below in the notebook:

PROJECT = "pandas"

def search():
    return Search(f"elastipy-example-commits-{PROJECT}")


commits per week

s = search()
agg = s.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="week")
df = agg.execute().df(to_index=True)
df["commits/week"] = df.pop("date.doc_count")
df["smooth"] = df.rolling(window=50).mean()
df.plot(figsize=(15,4), color=["lightblue", "blue"])

additions/deletions per week

s = search()
agg = s.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="month")
agg.metric_sum("add", field="changes.additions")
agg.metric_sum("del", field="changes.deletions")
df = agg.execute().df(to_index=True, exclude="*doc_count")
#df = df.rolling(window=10).mean()[["add", "del"]]
df.plot.line(color=["green", "pink"], figsize=(15,4))

commits per weekday/hour for each year

def commits_per(field, interval="year"):
    s = search()
    agg = s.agg_date_histogram(interval, calendar_interval=interval)
    #agg = s.agg_terms("author", field="author")
    agg = agg.agg_terms("weekday", field=field, size=100)
        sort=True, transpose=True,
        annot=False, fmt=".0f", cmap="gray_r", figsize=(15, .3),
../_images/gitlogs_11_0.png ../_images/gitlogs_11_1.png


top 3 authors per year

s = search()
agg = s.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="year")
agg = agg.agg_terms("author", field="author", size=3)
agg_top3_authors = agg
agg.execute().df(to_index=True, flat="author", exclude="*doc_count"),4), stacked=True)

commits of all top 3 authors

top_authors = set(k[1] for k in agg_top3_authors.keys())

s = search()
agg = s.agg_filters("author", filters={key: query.Term("author", key) for key in top_authors})
agg = agg.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="year")
    sort=True, replace={0: np.nan},
    annot=True, fmt=".0f", figsize=(15, .6), cmap="gray_r"

top 3 average-additions per author per year

s = search()
agg = s.agg_filters("author", filters={key: query.Term("author", key) for key in top_authors})
agg = agg.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="year")
agg = agg.metric_avg("avg-add", field="changes.additions", return_self=True)
    sort=True, replace={0: np.nan},
    annot=True, fmt=".0f", figsize=(15, .6), cmap="gray_r"

number of authors per year

s = search()
global_authors = s.metric_cardinality(field="author", return_self=True)
agg = s.agg_date_histogram("year", calendar_interval="year")
agg = agg.metric_cardinality("authors", field="author")
agg.execute()"year", "authors", figsize=(15, 4))
print(next(global_authors.values()), "authors at all")
2504 authors at all

commit messages

the first ten commit messages

s = search().sort("timestamp")
# s = s.range("timestamp", gte="2020")
for d in s.execute().documents:
    print(("-- %(timestamp)s %(hash)s\n%(message)s" % d).strip() + "\n")
-- 2009-07-31T15:07:16+00:00 9d0080576446de475d34b0dbb58389b15cd4f529
Initial directory structure.

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-08-05T02:32:49+00:00 ec1a0a2a2571dc2c1c26612b374d4a66b22f0938
adding trunk

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-08-05T02:33:13+00:00 1eeadf4e401647faa20911f531bc05c1872262ea

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-08-05T03:17:29+00:00 445114e1b20da8d4976c8d9050aa90c5bd508c54
added svn:ignore

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-08-05T03:30:16+00:00 c6b236db73ff81007909be6406f0e484edc4a9eb
first commit with cleaned up code

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-08-05T03:40:05+00:00 c8efebf2bfbe6a1efc732679ad3cf2d06d795c3f
minor edit

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-08-05T03:54:33+00:00 21e01d94a0632539f76eb702408540b0d9adcb59
fixed isinf reference

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-09-01T15:10:47+00:00 0f6d8b435670053a393b65c621d6eab090a36633
latest edits, miscellaneous cleanup and bug fixes from development

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-09-01T15:13:32+00:00 171487fd4ea85aa38b224ee3cd5c41356063e197
added stats empty directory

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

-- 2009-09-01T15:50:21+00:00 39c033cbe697b488f6f612c9d154a467aaca76a1
fixed inconsistency with dateCol parameter

git-svn-id: d5231056-7de3-11de-ac95-d976489f1ece

significant terms by year

def significant_terms_by_year(s, field, size=4, shard_size=100):
    agg = s.copy().agg_date_histogram("year", calendar_interval="year")
    agg = agg.agg_significant_terms(field=field, size=size, shard_size=shard_size)
    keywords = set(k[-1] for k in agg.execute().keys())

    agg = s.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="year")
    agg = agg.agg_filters("word", filters={key: query.Term(field, key) for key in keywords})
        sort=True, replace={0: np.nan},
        transpose=True, annot=True, fmt=".0f", figsize=(.3, .7), cmap="gray_r"

significant_terms_by_year(search(), "message")

significant terms by author

def significant_terms_by_terms(s, split_field, terms_field, split_size=30, size=3, shard_size=100):
    agg = s.copy().agg_terms(split_field, field=split_field, size=split_size)
    agg = agg.agg_significant_terms("term", field=terms_field, size=size, shard_size=shard_size)
    df = agg.execute().df(include=["term", "term.doc_count"])

    # find max count of all significant terms
    df = df.groupby("term").max()
    # print(df.describe())

    # and drop everything above a high percentile
    df = df[df < df.quantile(.8)].dropna()
    keywords = list(df.index)

    agg = s.agg_terms(split_field, field=split_field, size=split_size)
    agg = agg.agg_filters("term", filters={key: query.Term(terms_field, key) for key in keywords})
        sort=True, transpose=True, replace={0: np.nan},
        annot=True, fmt=".0f", figsize=(.23, .6), cmap="gray_r"

significant_terms_by_terms(search(), "author", "message")


overall top 50 edited files per year

s = search()
agg = s.agg_terms(field="changes.file", size=50)
agg = agg.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="year")
df = agg.execute().plot.heatmap(
    sort=True, replace={0: np.nan},
    annot=True, fmt=".0f", figsize=(.3, 1.5), cmap="gray_r"

significant changed files by year

s = search().param(rest_total_hits_as_int=True)
# remove version specific files
s = ~s.query_string("changes.file: *.txt *.rst")
significant_terms_by_year(s, "changes.file")

significant changed files by author

significant_terms_by_terms(search(), "author", "changes.file")

which files get edited together

s = search()
s = s.query_string("changes.file:")

agg = s.agg_terms(field="changes.file", size=50)
agg = agg.agg_date_histogram("date", calendar_interval="year")
    agg.execute().plot.heatmap(figsize=(.3, 1.5), cmap="gray_r")
except ValueError: