Source code for elastipy.aggregation.aggregation_dump

import json
from typing import Optional, Union, TextIO, Sequence, Any

from .aggregation import Aggregation

[docs]class AggregationDump: def __init__(self, agg: Aggregation): self._agg = agg
[docs] def dict( self, key_separator: str = "|", default: Any = None, indent: int = 2, file: Optional[TextIO] = None ): """ Print the result of ``Aggregation.to_dict`` to console. :param key_separator: ``str`` Separator to concat multiple keys into one string. Defaults to ``|`` :param default: If not None any None-value will be replaced by this. :param indent: The json indentation, defaults to 2. :param file: Optional output stream. """ print(json.dumps(self._agg.to_dict(key_separator=key_separator, default=default), indent=indent), file=file)
[docs] def table( self, include: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, flat: Union[bool, str, Sequence[str]] = False, sort: str = None, digits: int = None, header: bool = True, bars: bool = True, zero: Union[bool, float] = True, colors: bool = True, ascii: bool = False, max_width: int = None, max_bar_width: int = 40, file: Optional[TextIO] = None ): """ Print the result of the ``Aggregation.dict_rows()`` function as table to console. :param include: ``str`` or ``sequence of str`` Can be one or more (OR-combined) wildcard patterns. If used, any column that does not fit a pattern is removed. :param exclude: ``str`` or ``sequence of str`` Can be one or more (OR-combined) wildcard patterns. If used, any column that fits a pattern is removed. :param flat: ``bool``, ``str`` or ``sequence of str`` Can be one or more aggregation names that should be *flattened out*, meaning that each key of the aggregation creates a new column instead of a new row. If ``True``, all bucket aggregations are *flattened*. Only supported for bucket aggregations! .. NOTE:: Currently not supported for the root aggregation! :param sort: ``str`` Optional sort column name which must match a 'header' key. Can be prefixed with ``-`` (minus) to reverse order :param digits: ``int`` Optional number of digits for rounding. :param header: ``bool`` if True, include the names in the first row. :param bars: ``bool`` Enable display of horizontal bars in each number column. The table width will stretch out in size while limited to 'max_width' and 'max_bar_width' :param zero: - If ``True``: the bar axis starts at zero (or at a negative value if appropriate). - If ``False``: the bar starts at the minimum of all values in the column. - If a **number** is provided, the bar starts there, regardless of the minimum of all values. :param colors: ``bool`` Enable console colors. :param ascii: ``bool`` If ``True`` fall back to ascii characters. :param max_width: ``int`` Will limit the expansion of the table when bars are enabled. If left None, the terminal width is used. :param max_bar_width: ``int`` The maximum size a bar should have :param file: Optional text stream to print to. """ from elastipy.dump import Table rows = self._agg.dict_rows( include=include, exclude=exclude, flat=flat, ) Table(list(rows)).print( sort=sort, digits=digits, header=header, bars=bars, zero=zero, colors=colors, ascii=ascii, max_width=max_width, max_bar_width=max_bar_width, file=file, )
[docs] def matrix(self, indent: int = 2, file: TextIO = None, **kwargs): """ Print a representation of ``Aggregation.to_matrix()`` to console. :param indent: The json indentation, defaults to 2. :param file: Optional output stream. :param kwargs: TODO: list additional to_matrix parameters """ indent = " " * indent names, keys, matrix = self._agg.to_matrix(**kwargs) print("names =", names, file=file) print("keys = [", file=file) for k in keys: print(indent, k, file=file) print("]", file=file) # TODO: print with recursive indentation print("matrix = [", file=file) for m in matrix: print(indent, m, file=file) print("]", file=file)
[docs] def heatmap( self, sort: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]]]] = None, default: Optional[Any] = None, include: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, colors: bool = True, ascii: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ Prints a heat-map from a two-dimensional matrix. :param sort: Can sort one or several keys/axises. - ``True`` sorts all keys ascending - ``"-"`` sorts all keys descending - The **name of an aggregation** sorts it's keys ascending. A "-" prefix sorts descending. - An **integer** defines the aggregation by index. Negative integers sort descending. - A **sequence** of strings or integers can sort multiple keys For example, `agg.heatmap(sort=("color", "-shape", -4))` would sort the ``color`` keys ascending, the ``shape`` keys descending and the 4th aggregation *-whatever that is-* descending. :param default: If not None any None-value will be replaced by this value :param include: ``str | seq[str]`` One or more wildcard patterns that include matching keys. All other keys are removed from the output. :param exclude: ``str | seq[str]`` One or more wildcard patterns that exclude matching keys. :param colors: ``bool`` Enable console colors. :param ascii: ``bool`` If ``True`` fall back to ascii characters. :param max_width: ``int`` Will limit the expansion of the table when bars are enabled. If left None, the terminal width is used. :param file: Optional text stream to print to. :param kwargs: TODO list all Heatmap parameters """ from elastipy.dump import Heatmap names, keys, matrix = self._agg.to_matrix( sort=sort, default=default, include=include, exclude=exclude ) if len(keys) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Can not display matrix of dimension {len(keys)} with heatmap, 2 dimensions required" ) hm = Heatmap( keys=keys, values=matrix, colors=colors, ascii=ascii ) hm.print(**kwargs)
[docs] def hbar( self, width: int = None, zero_based: bool = True, digits: int = 3, ascii: bool = False, colors: bool = True, file: TextIO = None ): """ Print a horizontal bar graphic based on ``Aggregation.keys()`` and ``values()`` to console. :param width: ``int`` Maximum width to use. Will be auto-detected if ``None``. :param zero_based: ``bool`` If ``True`` start at bars at tero, instead of global minimum :param digits: ``int`` Optional number of digits for rounding. :param colors: ``bool`` Enable console colors. :param ascii: ``bool`` If ``True`` fall back to ascii characters. :param file: Optional text stream to print to. """ from elastipy.dump import TextPlotter keys = list(self._agg.keys(key_separator="|")) values = list(self._agg.values()) TextPlotter(ascii=ascii, colors=colors).hbar( keys=keys, values=values, width=width, zero_based=zero_based, digits=digits, file=file, )