Source code for elastipy.aggregation.aggregation

from typing import Optional, List, Union, Sequence, Mapping
from warnings import warn

from .. import make_json_compatible
from .generated_interface import AggregationInterface
from .converter import ConverterMixin

[docs]class Aggregation(ConverterMixin, AggregationInterface): """ Aggregation definition and response parser. Do not create instances yourself, use the :link:`Search.aggregation()` and :link:`Aggregation.aggregation()` variants. Once the :link:`Search` has been :link:`executed <Search.execute>`, the values of the aggregations can be accessed. """ _factory_class_map = dict() def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): if "factory" not in kwargs or kwargs["factory"]: Aggregation._factory_class_map[cls._agg_type] = cls def __init__(self, search, name, type, params): from import Response AggregationInterface.__init__(self, timestamp_field=search.timestamp_field) = search = name self.type = type self.definition = self.AGGREGATION_DEFINITION.get(self.type) or dict() self.params = self._map_parameters(params) self._response: Optional[Response] = None self.parent: Optional[Aggregation] = None self.root: Aggregation = self self.children: List[Aggregation] = [] def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{}', '{self.type}')" @property def dump(self): """ Access to :link:`printing <AggregationDump>` interface :return: :link:`AggregationDump` instance """ from .aggregation_dump import AggregationDump return AggregationDump(self) @property def plot(self): """ Access to :link:`pandas plotting interface <PandasPlotWrapper>`. :return: :link:`PandasPlotWrapper` instance """ from ..plot.aggregation_plot_pd import PandasPlotWrapper return PandasPlotWrapper(self) @property def group(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the aggregation group. :return: str, either "bucket", "metric" or "pipeline" """ if "group" not in self.definition: # pragma: no cover warn(f"Aggregation '{}'/{self.type} has no definition, 'group' is unknown.") return self.definition.get("group") or None def is_bucket(self): if "group" not in self.definition: # pragma: no cover warn(f"Aggregation '{}'/{self.type} has no definition, is_bucket() is unknown") return self.definition.get("group") == "bucket" def is_metric(self): if "group" not in self.definition: # pragma: no cover warn(f"Aggregation '{}'/{self.type} has no definition, is_metric() is unknown") return self.definition.get("group") == "metric" def is_pipeline(self): if "group" not in self.definition: # pragma: no cover warn(f"Aggregation '{}'/{self.type} has no definition, is_pipeline() is unknown") return self.definition.get("group") == "pipeline"
[docs] def metrics(self): """ Iterate through all contained metric aggregations :return: generator of Aggregation """ for c in self.children: if c.is_metric(): yield c
[docs] def pipelines(self): """ Iterate through all contained pipeline aggregations :return: generator of Aggregation """ for c in self.children: if c.is_pipeline(): yield c
[docs] def to_body(self): """ Returns the part of the elasticsearch request body :return: dict """ params = make_json_compatible(self.params) if self.definition.get("parameters"): for key, defi in self.definition["parameters"].items(): # convert 'ranges' lists to dict if defi.get("ranges") and params.get("ranges"): params["ranges"] = _convert_ranges_param(self, params["ranges"]) return params
[docs] def aggregation(self, *aggregation_name_type, **params) -> 'Aggregation': """ Interface to create sub-aggregations. This is the generic, undocumented version. Use the agg_*, metric_* and pipeline_* methods for convenience. :param aggregation_name_type: one or two strings, meaning either "type" or "name", "type" :param params: all parameters of the aggregation function :return: :link:`Aggregation` instance """ if len(aggregation_name_type) == 1: name = f"a{len(}" aggregation_type = aggregation_name_type[0] elif len(aggregation_name_type) == 2: name, aggregation_type = aggregation_name_type else: raise ValueError(f"Need to provide (aggregation_type) or (name, aggregation_type), got {aggregation_name_type}") agg = factory(, name=name, type=aggregation_type, params=params ) agg.parent = self agg.root = self.root self.children.append(agg)"{self.body_path()}.aggregations.{name}.{aggregation_type}", agg.to_body()) return agg
[docs] def execute(self): """ Executes the whole :link:`Search` with all contained aggregations. :return: self """ return self
@property def response(self) -> dict: """ Returns the response object of the aggregation Only available for root aggregations! :return: dict """ if self.parent: raise ValueError(f"Can not get response of sub-aggregation '{}' ({self.type})") if not self._response: raise ValueError(f"Can not get response of aggregation '{}' ({self.type}), " f"search has not been executed") return self._response.aggregations[] @property def buckets(self) -> Union[dict, list]: """ Returns the buckets of the aggregation response Only available for bucket root aggregations! :return: dict or list """ if self.parent: raise ValueError(f"Can not get buckets of sub-aggregation '{}' (type {self.type}) " f"directly, use keys() and values()") return self.response["buckets"]
[docs] def key_name(self) -> str: """ Return default name of the bucket key field. Metrics return their parent's key :return: str """ if self.is_metric() and self.parent: return self.parent.key_name() key_name = "key" # TODO: this should be configurable if self.type == "date_histogram": key_name = "key_as_string" return key_name
[docs] def body_path(self) -> str: """ Return the dotted path of this aggregation in the request body :return: str """ if not self.parent: return f"aggregations.{}" else: return f"{self.parent.body_path()}.aggregations.{}"
def _map_parameters(self, params: Mapping) -> Mapping: """ Convert the constructor parameters to aggregation parameters. It basically just removes the default parameters that are not changed. :return: dict """ ret_params = dict() for key, value in params.items(): param_key = key.replace("__", ".") if self.definition.get("parameters") and param_key in self.definition["parameters"]: param_def = self.definition["parameters"][param_key] # not required and matches default value if not param_def.get("required") and param_def.get("default") == value: if param_def.get("timestamp"): value = else: continue # convert order convenience format if param_def.get("order"): if isinstance(value, str): if value.startswith("-"): value = {value[1:]: "desc"} else: value = {value: "asc"} if "__" in key or "." in key: # TODO: this will break for sub-sub-keys but it's anyway not a good approach.. root_key, sub_key = key.split("__") if "__" in key else key.split(".") if root_key not in ret_params: ret_params[root_key] = dict() ret_params[root_key][sub_key] = value else: ret_params[key] = value if self.definition.get("parameters"): for name, param in self.definition["parameters"].items(): # case when creating through generic .aggregation() function if param.get("timestamp") and name not in ret_params: ret_params[name] = return ret_params
def factory(search, name, type, params) -> Aggregation: """ Creates an instance of the matching Aggregation sub-class :return: instance of (derived) Aggregation class """ if type in Aggregation._factory_class_map: klass = Aggregation._factory_class_map[type] try: return klass(search, name, type, params) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(f"{e} in class {klass.__name__}") return Aggregation(search, name, type, params) def _convert_ranges_param(agg, ranges): if not isinstance(ranges, Sequence): raise TypeError(f"{agg} 'ranges' parameter must be list or dict") ret = [] prev_value = None for i, r in enumerate(ranges): if isinstance(r, Mapping): ret.append(r) if "to" in r: prev_value = r else: if prev_value is None: ret.append({"to": r}) else: ret.append({"from": prev_value, "to": r}) if i == len(ranges) - 1: ret.append({"from": r}) prev_value = r return ret